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- - - Asiatic researches; or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities; the arts, sciences, and literature of Asia. Vol. 9. – 1809. – 505
I. An account of expérimente made in the Mysore country, in the year 1804, to investîgate the effects of terrestrial réfraction.
II. Description of a very sensible Hygrometer.
III. An Essay on the Sacred Isles in tbe West, with other Essaya connected with that Work.
IV. Account of the Jains, collccted from a Priest of this sect.
V. Observations on the sect of Jains.
VI. On the Indian and Arabian Divisions of the Zodiac.
VII. On Olibanum, or Frankincense.
VIII. Remarks on the species of Pepper which are found on Prince of Wales's Island.
IX. Description of an improved Hygrometer.
X. On ancient Monuments, containing Sanscrit Inscriptions.
XI. On the Gramas, or Musical Scales of the Hindus.