Publication «The history of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands: translated from a Spanish manuscript, lately found in the island of Palma»

Year of publishing:
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Publishing house:
R. and J. Dodsley; and T. Durham
Publication Language:
Scientific topics
  • 03.91 History of selected countries
  • 39.23.17 Geography of foreign Europe
Full text:
Bibliographic Description:
The history of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands : translated from a Spanish manuscript, lately found in the island of Palma : with an enquiry into the origin of the ancient inhabitants : to which is added, a description of the Canary Islands, including the modern history of the inhabitants, and an account of their manners, customs, trade, &c. / by George Glas. – London : printed for R. and J. Dodsley; and T. Durham, MCCLXIV [1764]. – [8], VIII, 368 p., 3 l. of pl. : maps.
Additional Information:
A translation by Capt. George Glas of "Historia de la conquista de las siete islas de Gran Canaria".